Wednesday, February 25, 2015

tq- C- P- A- B- @|- Problem Set

1)      Write down the axioms schema and the three shortest axioms in the tq-system
R: xT-Qx is an axiom, whenever x is a hyphen string.
2)      Write down the sole rule of inference for the tq-system and apply it to the well-formed string -----t-----q-----
R: Rule: Suppose that x, y and z are all hyphen-strings. And suppose that xTyQz is an old theorem. Then, xTy-qzx a new theorem.

(1) -----t-----q----- axiom
(2) -----t------q---------- from (1) using the rule
3)      Reasoning in I-mode, argue that the string you produced in the previous item is not a theorem in the tq-system
R: It cannot be a theorem because 5x6 != 11. 

4)      Working in M-mode, show that -----t ---q --------------- is a theorem in the tq-system.
R: Use the rule to go back and find the axiom, if it is an axiom, than it is a theorem.
(1)    -----t---q---------------   theorem
(2)    -----t--q---------- from (1) using the inverse of the rule
(3)    -----t-q----- from (2) using the inverse of the rule
-----t-q------ = xT-Qx
From this we ca conclude that ------t---q--------------- is a theorem in the tq-system.

5)      What are the two rules of C-system
1) Suppose x, y and z are hyphens-strings. If x-ty-qz is a theorem then Cz is a theorem.
 2) Suppose that x, y and z are all hyphen-strings. And suppose that xTyQz is an old theorem. Then, xTy-qzx a new theorem.

6)      Working within the C-system, argue that C-------- is a theorem of the system.
R: --t-q-- axiom
(2) --t--q---- from axiom using rule 2
(3) --t---q----- from (2) using rule 2
(4) --t----q-------- from (3) using rule 2
(5) C-------- from (4) using rule 1

7)      Does adding the following rule to the C-system constitute a Post production system for determining primes? Please explaining your response. Suppose x is a hyphen-string. If Cx is not a theorem, then Px is a theorem.
R: No, because the rule does not entail a purely typographical operation.

8)      Hofstadter writes. When a figure or “positive space” (e.g., human form, or a letter, or a still life) is drawn inside a frame,an unavoidable consequence is that its complementary shape – also called the “ground” , or “background”, or “negative space” – has also been drawn.  According to this view, the quiche pan shown below that I computationally rendered would be considered negative space. Explain how this is so.
R: The drawn consist in the black space and the withe space is the ground.

9)      Consider the A-system as defined by the following axiom and theorem. Axiom A-- , Rule: suppose that x is a hyphen-string, If Ax is a theorem , so is Ax--

a)      Show that A -------- is a theorem of the A-system by working within the system
R: (1) A - - axiom
     (2) A - - - - from (1) using the rule I
      (3) A - - - - - - from (2) using the rule I
      (4) A -------- from(3) using the rule I
b)      Specify a decision procedure for determining theorem hood in the A-system
R: Suppose you have Ax, if you can use the rule to go back to A -- (The only axiom) you can say that Ax is a theorem.
c)       Provide an I-mode argument that the string A------------ is not a theorem of the A-system
R: All theorems in the A-system have an even number of hyphens.
d)      What subset of the natural numbers do you think it was my intent to capture with the A-system
R: All even numbers.
10)   Consider the as yet to be formally defined B-system which you should imagine is intended to capture precisely all of the natural numbers that the A-system does not capture.

a)      Propose, by analogy with the rule on page 66 of GEB, an invalid rule for producing theorems in the B-system.
R: Suppose x is a hyphen-string. If Ax is not a theorem, then Bx is a theorem.
b)      Define a (valid) Post production system for the B-system in terms of one axiom and one rule
R: Axiom: B-
 Rule I: Suppose that x is a hyphen-string. If Bx is a theorem, so is Bx--
c)       Derive B----------- within the B-system.
R: (1) B- axiom
      (2) B--- from(1) using the rule I
      (3) B----- from (2) using the rule I
      (4) B------- from (3) using the rule I
      (5) B--------- from (4) using the rule I
      (6) B----------- from(5) using the rule I
d)      What subset of the natural numbers does the B-system capture?
R: All odd numbers.

11)   Under interpretation, what does the A-system theorem A -------- say? Under interpretation, what does the B-system theorem B----------- say?
R: Say that 8 is an even number and 11 is a odd number.
12)   What does mean for a set to be “recursively enumerable”? What does it mean for a set to be “recursive”?
R: Recursively Enumerable: Means that it can be generated according to typographical rules.
     Recursive: A set is recursive if you can write a program that tells you whether the given input is in the set or not.
13)   Argue that the set of even number is recursively enumerable.
R: Using the A-system you can produce every even number. The A-system use a typographical rule
14)   Argue that the set of even number is recursive
R: It is recursively enumerable and its complement (odd numbers) is recursive because you can use B-system to get all odd numbers.

15)   Argue that the set of prime numbers is recursively enumerable.
R:You could use rule of the Px-system to get all recursive enumerable.
16)   Argue that the set of prime numbers is recursive.
R: It is recursively enumerable and its complement (odd numbers) is recursive because you can use C- system to the rest of the numbers.

17)   In a sentence or two, explain why you think that I am not asking you in this problem set to derive something lime P----- within the P-system?
R: Because the P system it is not a formal system that have a typographical rule.
18)   Consider the following Post production system, a system that we will call the @?- system:
AXIOM: @ | | - ||| -
Rules: Suppose x is a string made up of zero or more symbols drawm from the set { @ , - , |} then:
1: if you have x-||-|||, you can add –
2: if you have x-|||-||, you can add –
3: if you have x|-||-||, you can add |
4: if you have x|-|||-|, you can add |
5: if you have x||-||-|, you can add |
6: if you have x|-|||-, you can add |
7: if you have x|||-||-, you can add |
8: you can replace @ by C
9: you can replace @ by G
10: you can replace @ by D
11: you can replace C| by CD
12y you can replace C- by CV
13: you can replace V| by VW
14: you can replace V- by VD
15: you can replace D| by DE
16: you can replace D- by DW
17: you can replace W| by WF
18: you can replace W- by WE
19: you can replace E| by EX
20: you can replace E- by EF
21: you can replace F| by FG
22: you can replace F- by FX
23: you can replace X| by XY
24: you can replace X- by XG
25: you can replace G| by GA
26: you can replace G- by GY
27: you can replace Y| by YZ
28: you can replace Y- by YA
29: you can replace A| by AB
30: you can replace A- by AZ
31: you can replace Z| by ZC
32: you can replace Z- by ZB
33: you can replace B| by BV
34: you can replace B- by BC

a)      How many axioms in the system? How many rules in the system? How many theorems in the system?
R:  1 Axiom. 34 Rules. Infinite theorems.
b)      Show that @||-|||-||-|||- is a theorem of the @|- system by performing a derivation within the system.
R: @||-|||-  axiom
     (2) @||-|||-| from(1) by rule 6
     (3) @||-|||-|| from(2) by rule 4
     (4) @||-|||-||- from(3) by rule 2
     (5)@||-|||-||-| from(4) by rule 7
     (6)@||-|||-||-|| from(5) by rule 5
     (7)@||-|||-||-||| from(6) by rule 3
     (8) @||-|||-||-|||- from(7) by rule 1
c)       Show that CDEFGABC  is a theorem of the @|- system by performing a derivation within the system
R: (1) @||-|||-  axiom
     (2) C||-|||- from (1) by rule 8
     (3) CD|-|||- from (2) by rule 11
     (4) CDE-|||- from (3) by rule 15
     (5)CDEF|||- from (4) by rule 20
     (6)CDEFG||-from (5) by rule 21
     (7)CDEFGA|-from (6) by rule 25
     (8)CDEFGAB - from (7) by rule 29
      (9) CDEFGABC from (8) by rule 34

d)      Show that GABCDEXG  is a theorem of the @|-system by performing a derivation within the system
R: (1) @||-|||-  axiom
     (2) G||-|||- from (1) by rule 9
     (3) GA|-|||- from (2) by rule 25
     (4) GAB-|||- from (3) by rule 29
     (5)GABC|||- from (4) by rule 34
     (6)GABCD||-from (5) by rule 11
     (7)GABCDE|-from (6) by rule 15
     (8)GABCDEX - from (7) by rule 19
      (9) GABCDEXG from (8) by rule 24

e)      Show that DEXGABVD is a theorem of the @|-system by performing a derivation within the system
R: (1) @||-|||-  axiom
     (2) D||-|||- from (1) by rule 10
     (3) DE|-|||- from (2) by rule 15
     (4) DEX-|||- from (3) by rule 19
     (5)DEXG|||- from (4) by rule 24
     (6)DEXGA||-from (5) by rule 25
     (7)DEXGAB|-from (6) by rule 29
     (8)DEXGABV - from (7) by rule 33
      (9) DEXGABVD from (8) by rule 14

f)       What do you think I had in mind when I invented this system?
 R:Generate musical scales.

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