Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The pq-System Problem Set

1)      What is the formal system of Chapter 2 called?
R:  The formal system presented in this chapter is called pq-system.

2)      What are the distinct symbols of this formal system?
R: p q -.

3)      How many axioms in the pq-system?
R: Infinite number of axioms.

4)      Write down the axiom schema for the pq-system.
R: xP – Qx – is an axiom, whenever x is composed of hyphens only.

5)      What is a “schema”? Define the term.
R: A mold to define something. How to do something.

6)      Write down the three shortest axioms in the pq-system.
R:- p - q- -  / - -p -  q - - - / - - - p  - q - - - -
7)      Write down the sole rule of production for the pq-system
R:  Suppose x, y and z all stand for particular strings containing only hyphens. And suppose that x p y q z is known to be a theorem. Then x p y – q z – is a theorem
8)      Show that - -p - -q - - - - is a theorem of the pq-system. That is, derive it from an axiom and repeated application of the rule.
R: (1) - - p - q - - -    axiom
     (2) - - p - - q - - - -  from (1)
9)      Show that - - - - -p- - - -q- - - - - - - - - is a theorem of the pq-system. That is, derive it from an axiom and repeated application of the rule.
R: (1) - - - - - p - q - - - - - -     axiom
     (2) - - - - -p - - q - - - - - - -   from(1)
     (3) - - - - -p - - - q- - - - - - - from(2)
     (4) - - - - -p - - - -q - - - - - - - - - from(3)
10)   Write down a string of symbols in the pq-system which is not well formed
R: - - p - - p - -p - - q - - - - - - - -
11)   State a decision procedure for the pq-system
R: Take your theorem, iterate backwards, find the beginning and check whether it`s an axiom or not, if it is an axiom, then it is by definition a theorem, and the test is over.
12)   In the longest paragraph on page 48, Hofstadter engages in some “top-down” reasoning. In one sentence, articulate exactly what it is that he demonstrates with his top-down reasoning in this paragraph?
R: How to find the beginning of all theorems, the axiom schemata or maybe you will find something that is not an axiom.
13)   In one sentence, characterize “top-down” reasoning
R: Start in the theorems and find the axioms.
14)   In one sentence, characterize “bottom-up” reasoning
R: Start in the axioms and find the theorems
15)   Consider the procedure for generating theorems of the pq-system given at the top of page 49. What will be in the bucket after executing statements (1a) and (1b) and (2a) and (2b) and(3a) and (3b) – after all six of these statements have been executed!
R: (1a) - p - q - -
     (1b) - p - - q - - -
     Bucket:   - p - q - -; - p - - q - - -
     (2a) - - p - q - - -
     (2b) - p - - q - - - ; - p - - - q - - - -; - - p - - q - - - -
     Bucket: - p - q - -;  - p - - q - - -;- p - - - q - - - -;  - - p - q - - -; -- p - - q - - -- ;
     (3a) - - - p - q - - - -
     (3b) - p - q - -;  - p - - q - - -; - p - - - q - - - -; - p - - - - q - - - - - ;   - - p - q - - -;   - - p - - q - - - -;
; - - p - - - q - - - - -;  - - -p  -  q - - - -; - - -p - -q - - - - -;

16)   16 What role does the procedure introduced on the top of page 49 ply in Hofstander`s presentation of the pq-system and related matters? Answer in just one sentence!
17)   What is an isomorphism?
R: Two complex structures can be mapped onto each other, in such a way that to each part of one structure there is a corresponding part in the other structure.
18)   What is an interpretation in the context of a formal system?
R: The symbol-word correspondence that you give to your formal system.
19)   When was Linear B deciphered?

20)   How many meaningful interpretations of the pq-system did Hofstadter present in this chapter?
R: 2

21)   How many meaningless presentations of the pq-system are there?
R: Infinite.
22)   In 50 plus or minus 20 words, summarize what Hofstadter says in the section titled “Formal systems and reality.”

R: Hofstadter says that is possible combine reality and formal systems, and maybe the reality is just a big formal system. Affirm that the reality is deterministic is something hard to accept.