Sunday, February 8, 2015

Biography Day Assignment

Emil Post
“I study Mathematics as a product of the human mind and not as absolute.” (Post – 1920)
                Emil Leon Post was born in Augustów, a Russian city, in February 11 1897 and died April 21, 1954. His parents, a Jewish family, immigrated to America in May 1904 when he was a kid. In his childhood his first love was astronomy, after Post suffer an accident - a car crashed into other car, and he was in the middle – he lost his left arm, and because of this, he could not follow this profession. He started to show interest to math and attended to Townsend Harris High School, graduated in City College of New York in Math and obtained his Ph.D. in Math at Columbia University.
                In his first paper Post talked about the Principia Mathematica and proved the consistency as well as the completeness of the propositional calculus as developed in Whitehead and Russell’s Principia Mathematica. He did that using truth-tables (Introduced by C. S Peirce and Schröder). From this paper came general notions of completeness and consistency. For post, a system is complete if every well-formed formula can be proved after introducing a well-formed formula that is not provable. A system is consistent if well-formed formula consisting of only a propositional variable is provable. He also introduced in this paper multivalued systems of propositional logic and introduced multivalued truth tables in analyzing them.
                Post also created the “Post production system” – cited in the MU-puzzle, GEB book – a system that work with strings basically. Post production system is a string-manipulation system that start with a string (A collection of characters) and then applying some rules you can transform/modify this string – Like the MU-puzzle-, this system generates what we call “Formal language”, and this language is composed by the tokens, symbols or letters formed by the rules. From this, we can obtain the recursively enumerable languages – If you have a set S and you have a recursive function whose domain is exactly S then you have a recursively enumerable language.
                He also did some work in 1920 obtaining the same results that Kurt Godel obtained in his theory in 1930. Post theory was fundamental to the progress of the theory of recursive functions.

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